
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Apple Chips. My Kick From Potato Chips


Hello, my name is Allie, and I have a potato chip problem. Well, chips in general is my problem. Like the Pringles slogan says "Once you pop, the fun don't stop" IT DOESN'T!!! Pants not fitting, muffin tops, loooong, disappointing sighs when you look in the mirror. Oh yeah Pringles, so much fun!

Image result for funny chubby girl cartoons

And yes, I could just stop buying them and not eat them. But I'm weak people. WEAK! They call to me like a siren calls to a lonely sailor out at sea, who longs for that salty, crisp voice of that beauty....

So, enough with the creepy dramatics and let me tell you about these wonderful things called Apple Chips. I was looking for alternative to chips and a childhood memory popped in my head. Long ago

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Gettin' Creative With Cakes: Part 1

For years I have been in love with cakes and cupcakes. Not just because they are the most awesomeness thing known to man, but with how much fun they are to make! There is so much you can do with them! Cakes and cupcakes are just like a blank canvas, all ready for you to show your creativity. You can do whatever you want, and be as creative you want. Also, the satisfaction you get when you step back and look at what you did. It's the best feeling in the world! Cupcakes and cakes do that for me.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Cheesy Chicken Broccoli Bake...Say That Five Times Fast

Although this might be a tongue twister, it sure tastes amazing on your tongue! This recipe is a Pinterest find.  The ingredients are not complex at all and its all things you probably have handy in your fridge. Also, if you are on a budget, this is a perfect meal to make for your entire family. :)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Crack...I MEAN Chewy Brownie Cookies

 I found this recipe surprisingly when I purchased my WearEver cookie sheets. Just fiddling around in the kitchen one day, needing a chocolate fix, made them, and was surprisingly impressed! Who knew one of my favorite cookie recipes could be found in an instructions booklet?? I did not expect these to turn out so amazingly awesome like they did! These have been a really big hit with my family and friends.  They are chocolatey deliciousness, and you can't stop eating them! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my Brownie Cookies! If you have a box of brownie mix sitting around in your cupboard and don't want plain ol' brownies, try these babies out! They they have the texture of a cookie outside, with gooeyness on the inside. They are known to my friends as "crack cookies", and they are hard to quit.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What's Easter Without Deviled Eggs....Wait...What?

Happy Easter Everyone! Hope everyone is ready for this Sunday! I can't wait to spend sometime with my family and watch my little niece dig into her basket of Easter goodies. I also cannot wait for the Easter meal. My mom always knows how to make a holiday dinner. She always has the three most important dishes on Easter: ham. potato au gratin, and, of course, deviled eggs. Deviled eggs go quickly at our family meals. I have never been a big boiled egg fan, but you just put some mayo and mustard in the yolk, and I'm in!

Friday, March 28, 2014


I never really was a big fan of gingersnaps. I have been use to the Nabisco gingersnap cookies my dad gets. They are so hard, and taste...odd. I figured if this is what they taste like, then no thank you! Then, it all changed!

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Simple Egg Salad Sandwich


I've been craving an egg salad sandwich forever! The last time I had one of these babies was years ago, probably a Sunday after church. These were one of the many things my mom made for us after we got home from church. Usually because there were times we had an overload of eggs due to my dad's chickens. If ya love hard boiled eggs, this is the thing for you!