
Saturday, April 19, 2014

What's Easter Without Deviled Eggs....Wait...What?

Happy Easter Everyone! Hope everyone is ready for this Sunday! I can't wait to spend sometime with my family and watch my little niece dig into her basket of Easter goodies. I also cannot wait for the Easter meal. My mom always knows how to make a holiday dinner. She always has the three most important dishes on Easter: ham. potato au gratin, and, of course, deviled eggs. Deviled eggs go quickly at our family meals. I have never been a big boiled egg fan, but you just put some mayo and mustard in the yolk, and I'm in!

I been pondering today, thinking about what I would do next for a post and I figured since Easter is just around the corner, that I needed to share something that you all can create for your Easter festivities. Also, my dad's hens have been laying a ton of eggs this year and we all have been overwhelmed with eggs! So, deviled eggs it is!

This recipe that I am using is a simple, basic recipe from my Better Homes And Garden cookbook. What I love about deviled eggs is that it's easy to play around with the recipe. For example, instead of mayo, add ranch or a Mexican-style sour cream. Also, you can top it with anything! Cilantro, sweet peppers, fresh oregano, parsley, onions, you name it! Or just keep it simple, which is my favorite. These little devils are fun to make and its a great way to open up your creativity. :)

First, and foremost, begin by boiling up some eggs. The recipe is for six eggs, so if you are using a dozen,, double the recipe. Just making sure you knew that. Check out my post, A Simple Egg Salad Sandwich, to get the instructions to creating perfect boiled eggs.

Here is something my mom and I have learned about peeling eggs. The best eggs to use for peeling are store bought. Why? You get less grater eggs. Where the egg whites have pits in them because the shell just won't let go. You can use farm eggs, but you need peel them REALLY slow. Some will come out nice and beautiful, but then a stinker comes along and you get one sad looking boiled egg. If you care about presentation, go with store bought eggs.

Once the eggs are cooled and de-shelled, cut each egg in half. Now with a spoon, scoop the yolk out of all of the eggs and place the yolk in a medium bowl. Set the egg halves on a plate or tray.

Take a fork and smash the yolks. I like my yolks to have not clumps in it, so I smash it till they are good and smashed.When you get it to the texture you want, add the mayo, the yellow mustard and the vinegar and mix it until everything is blended well. If you like, add some salt and pepper to taste.

Now, the fun part! My mom taught me to spoon the yolk into the white halves, but I want to do something a little different this year. I'm going to pipe them! I've seen many people do the piping and it looks amazing (not saying my mom's spoon yolks weren't, they look great too) but it makes them more presentable. So, if you want to pipe them all you need is a piping tip, preferably one with a big opening, and piping bag. I using a Wilton 32 piping tip for these deviled eggs.

The easiest way to put something into a piping bag is to fold the bag down and little by little, using a spatula, place it in. Start slowly and bring the bag up, and fill it up with some more yolk mixture. Once you have enough in there, twist the top and work the yolk mixture done to the tip. You want to get the air pockets out. Squeeze some into the bowl to get it going. Now, just swirl it in the egg white halves.

Once you are done, place some saran wrap over the top of the eggs and let it chill in the fridge for a couple hours. Take them out when you are ready to serve them and garnish them however you like. I like to do the simple paprika and a little bit of parsley on top. You can even garnish it with bacon. And why not, bacon is good on anything!

There you have it! I can't wait to eat these, but I must wait from them to chill...or I can just, you know, sample one...make sure they aren't poisonous.... ;).

Deviled Eggs
Makes: 12

6 boiled eggs

1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp yellow mustard
1 tsp vinegar
garnish of your choosing.

Halve the boiled eggs lengthwise and remove the yolks. Place the yolks in a small bowl: mash with a fork. Add mayonnaise, yellow mustard, and vinegar. If desired season with salt and black pepper. Stuff egg white halves with yolk mixture. Cover and chill until serving time ( up to 24 hours). Garnish with whatever you desire. 

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