
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Apple Chips. My Kick From Potato Chips


Hello, my name is Allie, and I have a potato chip problem. Well, chips in general is my problem. Like the Pringles slogan says "Once you pop, the fun don't stop" IT DOESN'T!!! Pants not fitting, muffin tops, loooong, disappointing sighs when you look in the mirror. Oh yeah Pringles, so much fun!

Image result for funny chubby girl cartoons

And yes, I could just stop buying them and not eat them. But I'm weak people. WEAK! They call to me like a siren calls to a lonely sailor out at sea, who longs for that salty, crisp voice of that beauty....

So, enough with the creepy dramatics and let me tell you about these wonderful things called Apple Chips. I was looking for alternative to chips and a childhood memory popped in my head. Long ago
I remembered my dad use to buy in bulk (at, of course, good ol' Costco) these individual bags of apple chips. I don't remember the name, and I don't know if they still exhist. We were skeptical at first. I mean, apples turned into chips. Nice try parentals. Can't fool us, those aren't chips! But, I was wrong! They were delicious! And, hey, maybe that can be my solution.

So, I found this recipe from The Italian Dish Blog, got to baking, and I made the best decision ever! When the brown sugar melts, you get this caramelized coating on the apple slice, making it taste like you are eating a candy apple. I'm addicted and it's so easy to make! Only three ingredients and you got yourself a healthy snack.

First, start off with your apples. The recipe calls for Granny Smith. They are the best, but any apples will do. They are still amazing. Granny Smith gives you that sweet and sour taste. If you are wanting a more sweeter chip, Gala, honey crisp, or pretty much any red apple are the choice for you. Apple chips are also a good idea to do if you have a lot of apples laying around about to go to waste.   Don't waste food people!

Now, for the slicing. Mandolin, my friends. Invest in a mandolin. It will make your life so much easier. I have a Cusinart, but XOX are just as good. Cheaper too.

You want to slice them thin, about 1/8" or whatever you prefer. And please, watch your fingers! 

In a bowl, mix the cinnamon and light brown sugar. Dab the apple slices in sugary goodness on both sides and place them on a cookie sheet. Make sure to use either parchment paper or a silicone mat. 

Place the apples in the oven, and let them bake for an hour. Flip them over and bake for another hour. Note: brown sugar in the oven is very hot. Please use tongs. Or suffer with having sticky, hot, sugary tar on your fingers.

And DONE! Its that simple folks!  Yes, you have you have to wait 2 hours for it to bake, but if that's the hardest thing to do, then work on your patience my friend! Goods things come to those who wait. 

These chips are also good garnishes as well. You can top it on a cupcake, or ice cream ( defeats the purpose of healthy, but if you are entertaining it will make it look really cute and thought out.)

Of course you can also just snack away.  Either way you won't be disappointed.

For the recipe, checkout the The Italian Dish Blog

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